Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas No. 1

Christmas was great. Scott showed me how to ride a fixed gear bike on the quiet back streets of Bako after a pancake and fake bacon breakfast and two lovely, thoughtful gifts (one is a really big picture book of geology type stuff).
We've been spending a lot of time with family on both coasts (recently) and work (always) and were looking forward to 4 days off. Scott booked 4 days (!) at a lodge in Sequioa National Park where the package included cross country ski rentals. It was time to get SS on Skinny Skis. There are 2 entrances to the park; one from Visalia that involves 25 kms of switchbacks, and one from Fresno that requires an extra 30 miles of driving, but fewer mountain passes. We brought chains, added a few hundred pounds of sand to the back of the truck and drove via Fresno into the mountains and an "epic" (rolls eyes) snowstorm.
The short version is that we got denied at the northern park entrance due to road conditions after watching a tour bus get stuck due to a broke tire chain wrapped around the axle and blocking the snow plows from progressing up the mountain. The only options was to drive back to the southern entrance where the road was only open to vehicles with chains *and* 4 wheel drive. Short story is we spent Christmas night at the Holiday Inn, Visalia eating Wendy's (the *only place open besides Denny's) and drinking beer at the hotel bar. :( NO SNOW FOR YOU.
Scott taking the turmoil in a stride with a smile and a beer.

The next day dawned bluebird and we launched our second mountain lodge assalt. Got to the park, got up the switchbacks, got to the lodge!!! The lodge has lost power at 8 am Christmas Day, the pipes were frozen and they were about 2 hours from evacuating all guests and employees. NO SNOW FOR YOU :(

We still salvaged the day (my SweeteSt is a consistent optimist) with a short hike in the snow texas style (blue jeans) with whiskey. A bit of snow for us. :)
BTW--- This snow was nice, lovely, light, fluffy, 30-45 cms of fresh powder. It was tormenting to not have ski gear. We will make up for lost winter recreation in the future, but tomorrow is back to the mountain bikes. Yay. I may even be trying one of SS's Single Speeds.... wish me luck!

We stopped at a produce market on the way home. What do you do with a squash this big? That would be too much, way to much, squash soup.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I'm not riding solo these days.
Since coming to California a couple of weeks ago, we have managed a number of rides; dirt, road, commuting to yoga class, returning books-on-cd to the library.

This last Sunday, we drove to the east side of town and climbed up out of the central valley fog.

Out of fog and into sunshine. I hoped CA road riding would be like this.

It's fun and much faster to ride with Scott.

Oskar-cat during business hours.