Monday, February 23, 2009

Work Day Daydream

The Ay-Ups, especially the helmet mount, make me practically invincible but the cars on my commute are getting to me this week. The rain has returned and the sunrise is at about the midpoint of my commute. I think that the transition times are when drivers are the shittiest: sunrise, dusk, time changes, a return to the rain after a few weeks of sunshine.

I wonder if bike commuting is making me a meaner person. There is no excuse for drivers that fail to see me. Helmet and handle bar mounted ay-ups, planet bike red blinkie, reflective jacket, reflective tights, reflect booties, reflective tape on bike, helmet and rack, and a reflective rear triangle. Every extra precaution that I take reduces my tolerance drivers. I have been lucky. I have never been hit by a car at speed or had items thrown at me or been chased/followed/confronted. But somedays, I wonder if it's just a matter of time.


ssportsman said...

Just keep doing what you can to be visible. You follow the rules (mostly), you've done all that you can to reduce the odds that you'll be hit. and stay alert. all that we can do...


ssportsman said...

happy (late) birthday to you
happy (late) birthday to you
happy (late) birthday dear flourineTRex
happy (late) birthday to you...

ojulius said...

Oh man, did I miss your birthday?? Happy birthday, belated!

As for the traffic, I've never gotten used to it. You're right, transition time is the worst. Be careful out there! You're doing everything you can. :)