View down to Horseshoe Bay in West Van.Sunday was even nicer so I took the green beast out. The Lynn Headwater Park is about 6-7 kms from the house. It's a great regional park with trails for hiking, running, mountain biking, lakes, fishing and a pedestrian suspension bridge. There is also a paved 10 km long paved trail that is closed to cars. The paved trail was the goal for today. That would give me about 30 or so km on the fixie most without the fear of cars.
At the start of the paved trail the warning sign seemed to have been left from the last storm....
However, just a kilometer further was the undeniable turn around point.Oh well. I headed back through North Van and just did a lap around Stanley Park instead. The fixie is a lot of fun and I still haven't crash yet. yay. Scott, thank you for letting me take this bike back to Vancouver with me. I had a lot of fun today. Miss you.
Oskar-katThis was also a good week at work. I'm staying busy (read chargeable. I hate billable hours) and even managed to hand off some work to colleages. The BEST part is there's a chance that my favorite project may have some more work for me. This project was kind of my breakout project within the company and it was *THE BEST FIELD PROJECT EVER*. ever. 3 weeks, 3 good and fun co-workers as a field crew, an A-Star helicopter and a healthy budget.
It started with some really fun GIS work. I got to investigate the potential for acid rock drainage for a lateral transect across BC. Did I mention that involved three weeks in the field with a helicopter to do my bidding?
These days are when my job is very good. Very good.
I also turned 30 on this trip. We celebrated at Esther's Inn in Prince George BC. Esther's Inn has indoor water slides. Um, one of these is my manager. :)
Looks like a great ride! Glad the green beast is wolling north van.
Great pictures!!!
Miss you too
I want a manager like that! Happy Birthday!!
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